Brent Neville and his team of math and engineering wizards designed the new ShotSense Golf app using advanced AI-driven analytics and comprehensive player data. The goal, however, can be summed up in six words: “With Better Aim Comes Better Scores.”
While most rangefinder apps excel at supplying basic distance information from Point A to Point B, playing smarter golf requires more. ShotSense Golf, which launched this past January, considers multiple critical factors: What’s the shape of the green? Are there surrounding hazards? What’s your dispersion pattern? Is the pin short-sided? Where are the trees? Is there out-of-bounds nearby? Do you typically hit a draw or fade? What’s the elevation change?
“All of this information feeds into our ‘decision engine,’ resulting in optimal strategies tailored to your game,” explained Neville, a Notre Dame graduate with a BS in Mechanical Engineering and an MBA in Finance and Entrepreneurship.
The app is currently available exclusively on iOS, takes just minutes to set up, and is as simple to use as a standard rangefinder app. ShotSense Golf is also completely free, making it genuinely the best money in golf you’ll never spend.
“ShotSense Golf is changing the way golfers approach the game,” said Neville, himself a 5-handicap golfer. “Most golfers assume new equipment or a new swing is the quickest path to improvement. We think the key lies in smarter on-course decision-making.”
Ultimately, effective golf begins with knowing precisely where to aim and ShotSense Golf removes the guesswork.
“Determining exactly where to aim is a complex mathematical problem,” Neville said. “ShotSense Golf solves that problem, providing you with the optimal aiming point for every shot. That’s the difference maker, and the proof is in the results. Try it for just five minutes, and you’ll experience the future of smarter golf.”
Photo Courtesy of ShotSense