Tripp Davis and Associates is working to restore the Ralph Plummer-designed golf course at Ridgewood Counry Club in Waco, Texas. The course opened in 1947 and was re-worked in the 1960s because of the expansion of nearby Lake Waco.  Davis’s focus will be on renovating tees, bunkers and greens while preserving the historic value of the course.

  “I have been thoroughly impressed with the detailed preparation and process that Tripp and his team have provided our club and its membership,’’ said club General Manager Bill Horton. “The golf course is a bit sacred to many here at Ridgewood, thus handing it over to someone else takes some trust. There is a reason why TDA is considered one of the best architects in the business, and I believe it is trust. We can’t wait to play on it.’’

Re-opening is anticipated for late October of this year.

“Construction started right after the first of the year and TDA shaper Jason Gold is on the ground working with builder Fleetwood Construction to start our redesign of the greens and bunkers, inspired by the style of the original golf architect, Ralph Plummer,” Tripp Davis said. “We renovated, and in part, restored Preston Trail in Dallas 15 years ago, which is also a Plummer original.  I really appreciate his strategic approach and simple but elegant style.

“We also are repositioning tees to create a more enjoyable and interesting course for all players, redesigning the driving range, and making a significant change to hole No. 9. The course sits on an amazing piece of land and we will be working hard to keep the natural movement while giving the course more of a classic style and strategy to serve the members at Ridgewood for decades to come.”

 TDA was founded in 1994 and has its headquarters in Norman, Oklahoma. Davis, a decorated amateur golfer, was a member of the 1989 National Championship Golf Team and a NCAA All-America selection while at the University of Oklahoma. He continues to play in several prestigious amateur events each year.

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