Cabot is a company grounded in exceptional golf experiences. Anyone who has been to its properties, such as Cabot Cape Breton in Nova Scotia or Cabot Highlands in Scotlands, knows first hand that founder/owner Ben Cowan-Dewar goes first-class and beyond.
But when Cabot Citrus Farms opens for preview play Jan. 22, 2024 as the most anticipated golf destination in Florida in a decade, the property will be a bit of a different animal than other Cabot properties.
Yes, it will have four outstanding golf courses (three of which will be open Jan. 22), but it also will have some amenities new to Cabot properties, including a Sporting Club that will offer clay shooting, archery and ax-throwing. Like the golf courses, the Sporting Club will fit perfectly into the rugged natural terrain of Hernando County in North Central Florida.
“We have an amazing property here and a lot of land (1,200 acres) to work with,’’ Cabot Citrus Farms Managing Director Daniel Knight told me.
Located on the old World Woods Golf Club property just outside of Brooksville, Cabot Citrus Farms’ other non-golf amenities will include nature trails, racket sports, swimming pool, food trucks and Grange Hall (a central gathering space featuring a diverse, health-focused menu, luxury indoor and outdoor seating areas), grab n’ go general store, bar and an outdoor fire pit lounge.
And golf? Cabot Citrus Farms has renamed its four courses. The Cabot Barrens Course (designed by Kyle Franz) now is the Karoo, named after the noise local Sandhill Cranes make around the property. The Cabot Oaks Course now is the Roost (co-designed by Franz, Mike Nuzzo, Kyle Franz and Ran Morrisset), named after the wild turkeys that “roost’’ in the property’s large oak trees.
The Squeeze is a 10-hole course designed by Nuzzo, with holes ranging from 100 to 550 yards. Many of the hold designs are inspired by the world’s best short par 4s. The Wedge is an 11-hole par-3 course offering expansive waste areas and greens with dramatic slopes. Holes range from 85 to 125 yards. Golfers have the option to play the short courses in between or after full rounds.

Rendering of Main Street at Cabot Citrus Farms (Hart Howerton)
“We wanted names (on the short courses) that reflect the fun and excitement of the courses,’’ Knight said. “You can ‘squeeze’ in a few holes or ‘wedge’ in a few holes.’’
The Karoo, Wedge and Squeeze courses each will open for the aforementioned preview play on Jan. 22. The Roost is scheduled to open in April 2024.
“We’re excited to showcase Kyle’s vision and creativity, how special the land is here and all of the work our team has been able to accomplish,’’ Knight said. “Squeeze and Wedge show off Mike’s unbelievable creativity.’’
Meanwhile, construction continues on the Village and The Cottages, the latter of which is a collection of 36 two- and four-bedroom residences, each designed to celebrate historic Floridian architectural styles. Cabot’s next phase of real estate will also debut in 2024, including five Fairway Homes.
“There is no shortage of activity around here,’’ Knight said. “Part of our focus now is setting the stage to welcome guests and to have them experience everything people have come to expect from Cabot.’’
#cabotcitrusfarms #danielknight #bencowandewar #worldwoods #kylefranz #mikenuzzo #golf #golfcourses #golfcoursedesign #floridagolfresorts #cottages #karoo #theroost #hernandocountyfl #brooksvillefl #spikeongolfandtravel #golftravel #cabot #cabotcapebreton #cabothighlands #nocascotia #scotland
Photo: The third hole on Karoo (Cabot Citrus Farms)